Dedemit Gunung Kidul

Starring :Uli Auliani, Tasa Rudman and Ammy Tawaqal
Release : 17 March 2011
Genre : Horror
Quality : VCDRip


Synopsis :
The story begins with the Rodney’s Family (45 years), an entrepreneur who has two Children, Vicky (26) and Jane (25). Rodney owed upon wealthy Mafia kingpin, Mark (35), who Look cool-handed businessman.Rodney was unable to pay debts because of interest-bearing entanglements. Mark asked for collateral, Rodney’s daughter must be his wife. Rodney must agree since there is no other way and let Vicky become Mark’s wife who actually really likes Mark.Before getting married, Mark ask Vicky to get a Vacation climb Gunung Kidul. Tragically, came the news on television that the bodies of Vicky was found, suspected to be victims of Gunung Kidul. Jane was very sad, Rodney was shocked to find Out Vicky was killed. Rodney crazy idea arose to give Up Jane on Mark for their business relationship remains smooth. Various “visions” experienced by Jane. Her life became a mess because his father could not refuse orders. Jane started to have a nightmare.Jane was married. The first night passed, oddly Mark did not touch the bride a bit, did not even go home because there is a sudden affair. Jane moved to Mark’s House. Everything is luxury, but a few items covered in white cloth. When it opened, just like the first sight of crystal lamps, bronze bells at the front door swimming pool, and a rocking chair. Jane did not have time to check further because Mark’s Bodyguard, Peter (30) watching with cruel. Day after day Jane remained untouched by Mark. When Fabio came to visit, Jane told me everything.

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